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Deutsche EuroShop | Conference Call | Preliminary Results 2023

Webcast of the telephone conference including the slide presentation Presenter: Hans-Peter Kneip, CFO 20.03.2024, 10.00 a.m., CET

Deutsche EuroShop AG Hauptversammlung 2023

Hauptversammlungsrede von Vorstand Hans-Peter Kneip am 29. August 2023 in der Hamburger Handwerkskammer Weitere Informationen unter

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Updated shareholder structure

Dexia S.A. (Belgium) has informed us that its voting rights on Deutsche EuroShop have exceeded the 3% threshold and amount to 3.02% (1,559,004 shares; total number of DES' shares: 51,631,400).

We want to take this occasion to update our shareholder structure.

Deutsche EuroShop now has around 10,000 shareholders (as at: 27 July 2011). The structural distribution is very stable: institutional investors hold around 56% of the shares, and private investors around 29%. The Otto family’s stake is 15%. The investment company BlackRock currently holds 3.3% of the shares, Dexia - as already mentioned - holds 3.02%.

shareholder structure


Relax. Enjoy. Live.

Since a few weeks we have a new image video. It perfectly describes the fascination of our shopping centers. It's all about emotion. 

The commercial shows various characters who experience their visit to a shopping center from a very personal perspective.


Attendance at Deutsche EuroShop's Annual General Meetings

It started weak: in 2001 - Deutsche EuroShop was public for just five months - only 37% of the Company's share capital was represented in DES' first AGM as listed company. In 2002 we saw the other extreme with 88%.

Attendance at Deutsche EuroShop's Annual General Meetings

For some years now it seems to normalise: around 57% of the Company's share capital was represented on average in the last eight years in our annual shareholders' meetings.


AGM ahead - get your questions answered

The Annual General Meeting of Deutsche EuroShop AG will take place on Thursday, 16 June 2011, at 10:00 a.m. CEST in the Handwerkskammer Hamburg, Holstenwall 12, D-20355 Hamburg.


Volcanic No Show

Even if you plan your roadshows and conferences months in advance you are not immune against vis major such as eruptions of a volcano.

2010 it was Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland which erupted from April until October and influenced the air travel in Europe for weeks.

This year another Icelandic volcano disturbs (not only) the roadshow activities of many European companies: Grímsvötn.

Click to enlarge
