Das Motto unseres Berichts lautet in diesem Jahr Von Bricks zu Clicks. Es erwarten Sie
bunte Informationen rund um die Themen Shopping und Immobilien sowie in aller
Ausführlichkeit die Fakten über unser Geschäftsjahr 2011. Zum ersten Mal haben
wir unseren Geschäftsbericht in zwei Teile aufgeteilt: Magazin und
To make your forecasts it may help to have the comparable numbers of Q1 2011.
The Excel sheet offers a full usability. You can start with your projections right here!
We got some requests why we show significant differences in the used deferred taxes in the calculations of our 2011 EPRA EPS/share and the 2011 FFO/share.
To make your forecasts it may help to have the comparable numbers of 9M 2010. The Excel sheet offers a full usability. You can start with your projections right here!
In our Ad-hoc announcement on 23 August 2011 we expected the necessity to set aside a provision for trade tax risks in the 2011 financial year of around EUR 6.1 million for the 2011 financial year and the preceding years.
In the meantime we have discussed this issue with our auditors and now we have clarity how to handle the risk of a change in the tax treatment of Deutsche EuroShop: The provision for the years 2004-2010 will be formed as a correction for these past seven years against retained earnings as per 31 December 2010. Only the trade tax liability for 2011 will be included in the income statement for the current year.
As a consequence, the once estimated influence on our 2011 FFO (funds from operations) per share will be considerably lower.