News Room

Blog: IR Mall



Relax. Enjoy. Live.

Patrick Kiss Patrick Kiss

Since a few weeks we have a new image video. It perfectly describes the fascination of our shopping centers. It's all about emotion. 

The commercial shows various characters who experience their visit to a shopping center from a very personal perspective.

There's a place where the weather is always good.
Where even guys like shopping.
Where food can be surprising.
A place where you, without needing to cook.
And where flowers become proposals.
There's a place where you are always welcome.
And that can take you anywhere.
A place to fall in love. Even with a bag.
In this place, meeting have to wait.
A place to relax. To enjoy. To live.

We showed the spot for the first time at our annual general meeting in June. In the future it will be the starter of our presentations at capital market conferences.

We hope you like the commercial.