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Deutsche EuroShop 9M 2024 Report Conference Call Slide Presentation

Webcast of the telephone conference including the slide presentation Presenter: Hans-Peter Kneip, CFO 15.11.2024, 10.00 a.m., CET

Deutsche EuroShop AG Hauptversammlung 2024

Hauptversammlungsrede von Vorstand Hans-Peter Kneip am 29. August 2024 in der Hamburger Handwerkskammer Weitere Informationen unter

Investor Relations

Die Dividende: teils steuerfrei, teils normal

Mit der Dividende der Deutsche EuroShop geht es weiter nach oben. Für das Geschäftsjahr 2012 hat die Hauptversammlung eine Erhöhung um zehn Cent auf 1,20 € je Aktie beschlossen und ist damit dem Vorschlag von Aufsichtsrat und Vorstand gefolgt.

Kurs und Dividende 

Mit diesem deutlichen Schritt möchte die DES ein Versprechen an ihre Aktionäre einlösen:


Comparable numbers for Q1 2013 results

To make your forecasts it may help to have the comparable numbers of Q1 2012. The Excel sheet offers a full usability. You can start with your projections right here!


Building a Stronger Europe

Building a stronger EuropeA report published published by EPRA, "Stock Exchange Listed Property Companies; Building a Stronger Europe", examines the unique role of listed property as a platform for the European economy, providing the space and infrastructure needed for the EU’s businesses, families, hospitals, schools and leisure activities.


What the customer really wants

What do consumers really do? How do they navigate the online and offline worlds? Is multichannel retail merely an academic concept, or is it a reality for customers? And above all: What can retailers and manufacturers learn from the answers to these questions?

These questions were investigated by ECE (the market leader in downtown shopping malls in Europe) and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, in collaboration with the Otto Group and Union Investment. The report "What the customer really wants" is the result.
