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DES GB 11 Finanzbericht englisch

OThER DISCLOSuRES 29. Financial instrumEnts and risk managEmEnt Carrying amounts, valuations and fair values according to measurement category Balance sheet amount in line with ias 39 in € thousand measurement category pur- suant to ias 39 carrying amount 31 dec 2011 amortised cost costs Fair value recognised in equity Financial assets * Non-current financial assets AfS 27,815 15,381 12,434 Trade receivables LaR 5,606 5,606 Other assets** LAR 1,783 1,153 630 Cash and cash equivalents LaR 64,408 64,408 Financial liabilities * Bank loans and overdrafts FLAC 1,472,149 1,472,149 Right to redeem of limited partners FLAC 280,078 280,078 Trade payables FLAC 2,835 2,835 Other liabilities FLAC 45,999 7,924 38,075 Aggregated according to measurement category pursuant to IAS 39: Loans and receivables (LaR) 71,797 71,167 630 Available for sale (AfS) 27,815 0 15,381 12,434 Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost (FLAC) 1,801,061 1,762,986 38,075 * Corresponds to level 2 of the IFRS 7 fair value hierarchy ** The previous year’s figure has been restated. Investments measured using the equity method are reported at fair value. Any write-ups in the year under review are recognised in net profit or loss for the period. Trade receivables, other assets and cash and cash equivalents, with the exception of interest rate swaps - which are recognised at present value – have predominantly short residual terms. The carrying amounts thus correspond to the fair value. The change in the present value of the long- term interest rate swap recognised was € 162 thousand (previous year: € 161 thousand). Bank loans and overdrafts have long-term durations and are recognised at amortised cost. The fair value for Group loans is given in the notes under item 11 “Bank loans and overdrafts”. In total, interest expense of € 65,761 thousand (previous year: € 54,075 thousand) is included in net finance costs. Trade payables and other liabilities, with the exception of interest rate swaps – which are recognised at present value – usually have short residual terms. The carrying amounts thus correspond to the fair value. 56 DES Annual Report 2011 ConSoLIDAteD FInAnCIAL StAteMentS other disclosures
