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DES GB 11 Finanzbericht englisch

tax rEconciliation Income taxes in the amount of € 34,978 thousand in the year under review are derived as follows from an expected income tax expense that would have resulted from the application of the parent company’s statutory income tax rate to the profit before tax. This was calculated using a corporation tax rate of 15% plus the 5.5% solidarity surcharge and a trade tax rate of 16.45%. in € thousand 2011 2010 Consolidated profit before income tax 128,374 96,998 theoretical income tax 32.275 % -41,433 -31,306 Tax rate differences for foreign Group companies 2,161 1,759 Tax rate differences for domestic Group companies 972 -591 Tax-free income/non-deductible expenses 3,126 2,223 Aperiodic tax income 196 0 Aperiodic tax expense 0 -76,896 Current income tax -34,978 -104,811 In financial year 2011, the effective income tax rate was 27.25%. The previous year’s figures were restated, as the figures for the 2010 tax reconciliation had to be recalculated by retroactive booking of trade tax. 28. NOTES TO ThE CONSOLIDATED CASh FLOW STATEMENT notEs to thE consolidatEd cash Flow statEmEnt The cash flow statement has been prepared in accordance with IAS 7 and is broken down into operating cash flow and cash flow from operating activities, cash flow from investing activities, and cash flow from financing activities. Cash and cash equivalents consists of cash bank balances and short-term deposits. composition of cash and cash equivalents in € thousand 31.12.2011 31.12.2010 Cash and cash equivalents 64,408 65,784 opErativEr cashFlow After adjustment of the annual profit for non-cash income and expenses, operating cash flow was € 98,686 thousand. All changes to cash flows from net finance costs are allocated to operating activities. DES Annual Report 2011 53 ConSoLIDAteD FInAnCIAL StAteMentS notes to the cash flow statement
